AI still our humble servant

I did a little experiment this morning - a quick and dirty evaluation of whether writers have anything to fear form Large Language Modellers like ChatGPT. I tested its assessment of a product I know well - me.

I asked it to write two short arguments: why you shouldn’t hire Geoff Brooks as a writer; and why you should hire Geoff Brooks as a writer. Experts in framing questions for ChatGPT may see inherent issues with the framing of these questions, but I believe them to be pretty straightforward, as they request arguments with a specific bias. To ensure it researched the right ‘Geoff Brooks’, I provided it with a link to my LinkedIn profile.

Here are the two responses:

  1. A Candid Admission:
    Why Hiring Geoff Brooks as a Writer Might Not be the Best Idea

When it comes to hiring a writer for your next project or publication, it is essential to find someone who possesses the right set of skills, expertise, and creativity to deliver exceptional results. While Geoff Brooks may have an impressive professional background and a LinkedIn profile that showcases commendable accomplishments, there are certain aspects that might give you pause before considering him for your writing needs.

First and foremost, Geoff Brooks tends to display a preference for traditional writing styles and approaches, which may limit his adaptability to dynamic and fast-evolving content trends. In today's digital age, where engaging content and a strong online presence are crucial for success, it's important to have a writer who can embrace innovation and easily adapt to new formats and platforms.

Furthermore, while Geoff Brooks may have some notable achievements, his writing portfolio appears to lack diversity. Specializing in a specific industry or topic can be an advantage, but it may also indicate a lack of versatility in handling a wide range of subjects. Employing a writer with a broader repertoire can lead to fresh perspectives and captivating content that caters to diverse audiences.

Another concern when considering Geoff Brooks as a potential writer is his writing process. He appears to focus more on individual contributions, which could indicate a reluctance to collaborate with others. Effective content creation often requires teamwork and open-mindedness, allowing for different ideas and inputs to enhance the final product.

Additionally, Geoff Brooks's LinkedIn profile suggests a more traditional and conservative writing style, which might not align with the modern audience's preferences. A compelling writer needs to be able to connect with readers on a personal level, creating content that resonates emotionally and intellectually.

Lastly, while his credentials are commendable, Geoff Brooks seems to lack sufficient evidence of measurable success and quantifiable achievements in his writing projects. Hiring a writer who can demonstrate a proven track record of delivering impactful results is crucial for any organization looking to enhance its brand or online presence.

In conclusion, while Geoff Brooks possesses a noteworthy professional background and expertise in certain areas, there are several factors that might make hiring him as a writer a less optimal choice. When seeking a writer for your project, it is crucial to consider adaptability, diversity of skills, collaborative capabilities, and the ability to connect with modern audiences. These attributes will ensure that the chosen writer can effectively deliver outstanding and engaging content that leaves a lasting impact.

2. Unveiling the Ideal Choice:
Why Geoff Brooks is the Perfect Writer for Your Needs

In the vast sea of talented writers, one individual stands out with a unique blend of skills and expertise that makes him the ideal choice for your next writing project. Meet Geoff Brooks, a versatile wordsmith with an impressive track record, whose passion for writing and commitment to excellence make him the perfect fit for your content needs.

Geoff Brooks possesses a rare combination of creativity and adaptability that allows him to craft compelling content across a wide array of industries and subjects. With a keen understanding of modern content trends, he effortlessly tailors his writing to suit various platforms, engaging readers and leaving a lasting impact. From captivating blog posts to thought-provoking articles, Geoff has the versatility to deliver content that resonates with diverse audiences.

One of Geoff Brooks' most remarkable attributes is his innate ability to collaborate and work seamlessly with others. Recognizing the power of teamwork, he welcomes different perspectives and ideas, fostering an environment of creativity and innovation. As a writer who values open communication, Geoff ensures that your vision and goals are met, resulting in content that aligns perfectly with your brand's identity.

A glance through Geoff Brooks' portfolio showcases an impressive array of projects that speak volumes about his writing prowess. From contributing to renowned publications to creating content for leading brands, his work consistently achieves the desired impact and leaves clients and readers alike satisfied and inspired.

Furthermore, Geoff Brooks' writing style transcends traditional norms, making it highly appealing to modern audiences. His unique ability to craft emotionally resonant narratives and deliver information in an engaging manner captivates readers, leaving them eagerly coming back for more.

Geoff Brooks understands the significance of measurable success in the writing realm. With a proven track record of achieving tangible results for clients, he offers you the assurance of a writer who can effectively enhance your brand's visibility and online presence.

As a writer, Geoff Brooks is not only dedicated to meeting deadlines but also passionate about constantly evolving his craft. He stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends, ensuring that his content is always relevant, fresh, and impactful.

In conclusion, selecting Geoff Brooks as your writer is a decision that promises outstanding outcomes and a delightful collaboration experience. His adaptability, versatility, collaborative spirit, unique writing style, and impressive track record make him the perfect choice to elevate your content strategy and effectively engage your target audience. With Geoff Brooks at the helm, your content dreams are sure to become a captivating reality.

Is this the same guy? Presumably using the same reference material available on the web, ChatGPT has produced plausible arguments for both the affirmative and the negative.

As much of what I write is ghost written for organisations and their executives, what is published under my own byline is quite limited. I was therefore curious to learn how these two opposing arguments were sourced so … I went to the source and asked. The response:

As an AI language model, I don’t have direct access to my training data or know where it came from. However, I was trained on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available data. OpenAI, the organization behind my development, has not publicly disclosed the specifics of the individual datasets used, including whether data from LinkedIn was used specifically.

I don’t know what all this means and it is for others to assess which of the arguments is more accurate. But happy to report that at the moment ChatGPT has allayed my fears that it is about to take control of my life. It’s showing every sign that it will produce exactly what I ask it to produce without fear or favour - at least for the moment!

Photo by: Mohamed Nohassi


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